Mission Statement
Presidency London Colleges (PLC) mission statement is to not only to focus on the teaching but more on the student, achieving their goal.
PLCs mission is to develop, teach and enable individuals to become leaders in their field, changers in their communities, based on the knowledge shared. PLC intends to work with the individuals, intellect, social, spiritual, moral, physical and emotive senses.
To be the chosen provider for employers, clients and funding agencies, with motivated staff training in inspirational learning centres with quality marks to confirm our standing as a provider of excellence.
Build a sound customer relation with all who we engage with, during transition of a day, or a year. Set goals which will incorporate all members of staffs and learners and promote the growth of the business for the betterment of all. PLC will use these key objective, to produce a superior quality educational service to all the individuals.
The values laid out will set the foundation that will underpin the growth of great ability, build on solidarity, balance, judgement and partnership.
- Transparency
- Ethics
- Participation
- Quality
- Togetherness
- Inspiration
- Eloquence the quality of being persuasive or moving
Key Strengths
- Work in accordance with all regulatory bodies to enable learners and all interested parties. PLC strives to meet awarding organisation standards and focus on meeting the direct claim status at all times. This is not always possible due to various factors that make up the day to day operations.
- Have a team of staff that represents a wide range of skills and experience that supports the learner through their learning programme. Each member of the team at PLC has extensive CV and personal specifications and vetting, that they must meet at all times.
- Self-assessment has identified that variables in teaching and learning practice needs to be standardised and this has demonstrated the need for further staff training.
- Quality monitoring is robust. Weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings and reports are utilised to identify quality issues quickly and effectively, so that actions can be take and monitored for impact.
- Development of a learners personal and social development skills is very good and has been identified and validated through various meetings and reports
- PLC has achieved the MATRIX and IIP Standard and planning to move on to the next step of achieving the next level.
- PLC trainer/tutors/assessors have strong vocational skill and experience and therefore experts within their vocational sector and relate well to their learners. They receive three monthly opportunities to attend sessional training during standardisation. This includes the embedding of functional skills, teaching techniques and delivery processes, i.e. those that differ from basic classroom format.
- Integration, safeguarding and individualisation is inherent in all PLC practice, delivery, policies and procedures. This is shown in the Information, Advice and Guidance given to each learner and the regular reviews that takes place as a mandatory part of their learning programme. All members of staff have received both Prevent and Radicalisation training. On the agenda is training in FGM and Ironing, which is a new government focus.